How it works
Get funding in 3 easy steps
Apply online
Complete our online form, call us, or apply through a broker. We’ll need information about you, your assets, your credit profile, the property, loan purpose and exit strategy.
Common sense approach
As a principal lender, all decisions are made in-house with a common-sense approach. We aim to provide indicative terms within hours.
Prompt yet precise Closings
We instruct our attorneys at the same time as arranging an appraisal to ensure a swift completion. You can typically expect to draw down funds within days of final legal documents.
Work with KSEYE
Your CRE Bridge Lending Partner
We work with brokers and respect your relationship with your client, if partnering with KSEYE is something you are interested in, please contact us.
Fast and flexible lending
Work with a partner you can trust
As a principal lender, KSEYE enables you to offer a new CRE bridge loan product to your clients. We’ll work with you to ensure optimum speed and client satisfaction.
Our Business In Numbers
Lent to date
Loan completions
Current loan book
Why choose KSEYE?
A proven partner for fast and flexible financing
Proven partner
Established since 2012, we are proud to have a lent over $1bn to date for property investments.
Flexible lending
We offer lending on multifamily and commercial properties, with loan sizes from
$3mm to $35mm+
$3mm to $35mm+
Principal Lender
We are a well capitalised lender with access to a varied pool of funds.
Competitive rates
Up to 75% LTV, with annual rates from 9.99%.
Clear and Credible
Our efficient application process is straightforward for our borrowers.
Intelligent decision making
Our borrowers have the reassurance that a swift decision will be made.